Spencer's News Blog

News about Spencer's day and what he's been doing.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Homework Assignment - Alberta

Comparison between Florida and Calgary:
  • Florida has lots of beaches, Calgary has no beaches.
  • I liked how we had hurricane season and all the kids get to be off school for a long time, except me as I was homeschooled. This meant that I had more time to play with my friends as they were out of school while it was shut down. Here the schools don't shut down unless there is a huge blizzard.
  • Florida was warm all year and we could wear our t-shirts without sleeves throughout the year. Calgary we have seasons and it gets cold in the winter.
  • Florida has hurricanes in the summer and rain in the winter and Calgary has snow in the winter and sun in the summer.


At 4:18 PM, Blogger Marty and Helen said...

And, Calgary has Grandpa and Grandma but Florida has Best Friend, Ethan


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