Spencer's News Blog

News about Spencer's day and what he's been doing.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

xmas list

zero to ten(*)

clone drop ship*****
new build your litesaber *******
star wars Lego*****
night Lego******
video games*****
clone trooper vose changer/helmet *********** BOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!
clone trooper blaster**********
brsingr new eragon book **********
stylus for ds (light sabre)***
wow( rath of the lich king)*******************AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!
Nerf guns *******
age of mythology a video game*****
starwars litesabers******
starwars toy's*****
armer ******
toy weapons*******

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Chinese Museum

It was lots of fun, we were expecting more people but they never showed up.  I bought a Pikachu while we were there and a sword.  

The museum was o.k. and the food was goooooooooooooooooooooood  mmmmmmm.  We also had a farting contest and it was toxic.