Spencer's News Blog

News about Spencer's day and what he's been doing.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

disc drive

We looked at the CD Drive, DVD Drive and the Blu-Ray Drive.  We also looked at whether we needed something to just read the information or if we wanted something to write information as well.

We decided we didn't need a blu-ray as we weren't going to play that many blu-ray videos on this system.  We decided we didn't need a CD drive, we did want to watch some movies and be able to burn my movies to a DVD.

Then we went to Best Buy online and we checked out what kind of DVD drives they had.  Then we found two drives and compared them.  One of them is listed below and the other we didn't choose because it's an EIDE drive and not a SATA drive.  We need SATA as that is the format we selected for the rest of the computer.

This is our choice:

LG 22x internal SATA dvd rewriter (model: GH22LS40) for $50 CDN

It was the best one we could find :)


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