Spencer's News Blog

News about Spencer's day and what he's been doing.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

xmas list 2010 so far

number of

DC Universe for PC or ps3 please#?

Pokemon soul silver #?

black and white one for mac. # 5

the Nerf - N-Strike Barrel Break IX-2 #3
note: this is only available at Toys r Us

Assassin's Creed II note: I only want the ps3 version #2 1/2

star wars force unleashed 2 #1

Call of Duty: Black Ops note: I want it for PS3 # 2

Halo Reach #4

Gift Cards #6

stamped nerf gun #3 and a half

mafia wars/vampier wars reward points note: these are face book games #?

pacific fight or wings of pray #2 and a half

battle field bad company 2 note: for pc or ps3

fall out new Vegas #?

city of rogues time card for game #a high number