Spencer's News Blog

News about Spencer's day and what he's been doing.

Monday, October 16, 2006

hard long day

today we did some reading. We also talked about what we're doing this week.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Homework Assignment - Alberta

Comparison between Florida and Calgary:
  • Florida has lots of beaches, Calgary has no beaches.
  • I liked how we had hurricane season and all the kids get to be off school for a long time, except me as I was homeschooled. This meant that I had more time to play with my friends as they were out of school while it was shut down. Here the schools don't shut down unless there is a huge blizzard.
  • Florida was warm all year and we could wear our t-shirts without sleeves throughout the year. Calgary we have seasons and it gets cold in the winter.
  • Florida has hurricanes in the summer and rain in the winter and Calgary has snow in the winter and sun in the summer.

Thanksgiving Vacation Week

My favorite time was spending time with family and taking walks.

Horseback Riding - October 4

It was fun, we saw a lot of cows with horns. Sorry I've been busy in Victoria.

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Fun in the sun

I was sick all weekend, then climbing club on Tuesday. I went horseback riding today (Wed).

Monday, October 02, 2006

At the camping trip we had a lot of fun. We did campfires, lots of outdoor activities, like camoflauge and capture the flag. It was great fun but I wish we could go back there just one more time!